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Here you can find great react courses which will make you ready for the industry. Years of frontend development experience is distilled and transformed into education content.


How To Became Frontend Master

You do not think that you have deep knowledge in the Frontend area, although you have studied many learning contents, you are not confident in Frontend when you start a new job, you cannot develop your codes although you comprehend the existing architecture, LearnReactUI.dev is the website where you can meet all your relevant requirements in a single place


Simple To Complex Frontend Applications

In this article, we will be analyzing react projects from simple to complex according to data access. The need for data, the way data is retrieved, the way it is kept, its properties and many similar issues actually cause the concept and library in your project to change. Therefore, if we can estimate the difficulty level of our project before we start the project, this will help us to make better decisions about the following concepts


What Are React Hooks?

React Hooks is a way for UI components to share common code exports and integrate more quickly with other 3rd Party libraries. If you are familiar with Aspect Oriented Programming or Cross-Cut, these concepts will not seem very foreign to you. Components share common functions in many areas such as Logging, Persist, Auth, Rendering, and State Management. There are 4 different methods for this; Inheritance, High Order Component, Render Props, and Hooks. In this eBook we will cover Hooks.


Overcoming Technological Change and Pressure

It is an e-book on the pressures on software engineers caused by rapid technological developments, financial recession, and artificial intelligence, as well as how to resist this strain.


The Development Of JavaScript Through Time

How JavaScript is true, how it developed, what the first and second phases are, and how new features were introduced to JavaScript with EcmaScript upgrades between 2015 and 2023. All of these subjects are covered in this e-book.


Fundamental Internet Concepts

If you are developing a Web Application, whether you are a Frontend, Backend or FullStack developer. The primary thing you need to learn and understand is how applications work on the internet.


React Web Apps Conceptual Framework

In reality, all frontend programs use the same mechanism. - Technology and Frontend Concepts - Domain (Application Capabilities) Frontend Web Applications are created by expertly combining these two structures. As in video games and cartoons.


Building a Remember Me Page: A Step-by-Step Guide

In "Building a 'Remember Me' Page: A Step-by-Step Guide," we provide a comprehensive walkthrough for developers aiming to create an effective and user-friendly password recovery page. The article is divided into key steps: - Google Captcha Integration - Form Design and Validation - Server Communication - Layout Design and Styling


Mastering React Client State Management

In "Mastering React Client State Management," we guide developers through various state management techniques in React. Covering: Props Drilling, React Context, Zustand, Jotai, Singal, Redux This guide empowers developers to select and implement the optimal state management approach for their React projects.


Lets Develop A Simple Calculator

Dive into our comprehensive guide titled 'Let's Develop A Simple Calculator', where we take you step-by-step through the process of building a fully functional calculator using React. Explore the power of React's state management, learn best practices for UI/UX design, and harness the potential of modern web development.


JavaScript Foundations

This ebook serves as your essential guide to the core principles and concepts that underpin the versatile JavaScript programming language. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, you'll explore variables, data types, operators, functions, and more. It's the perfect starting point to strengthen your JavaScript skills and set the stage for your web development journey


Logical Model And Concepts for React Apps

This is a comprehensive ebook that demystifies the fundamental principles behind building React applications. It provides a clear and simplified explanation of the logical model and essential concepts involved in creating robust and efficient React-based web applications.


Controlling re-renders on React Class Components

Unlock the secrets of controlling re-renders in React Class Components! Learn efficient techniques and best practices to optimize performance and enhance the user experience. Dive into the intricacies of shouldComponentUpdate and leverage the power of PureComponent to fine-tune your components.


How to control re-renders on React Func Components

To control re-renders in React functional components, use React.memo to memoize components based on prop changes, and React.useMemo and React.useCallback to memoize values and functions. This optimization ensures that components only re-render when necessary, enhancing performance by avoiding unnecessary rendering of unchanged elements.


React Tab Visibility Optimization

In React applications, optimizing tab visibility is paramount for a seamless user experience. This ensures that timers, animations, or periodic tasks associated with a specific tab are halted when the user switches to another tab or minimizes the window, contributing to a more efficient and user-friendly React application.


How To Download a File in React

Effortlessly integrate file downloads in your React app using the Fetch API. This concise guide walks you through setting up your project, creating a download function, handling file responses, and triggering seamless downloads.


Mouse Interactions In React Webapp

Enhance user experience in your React web app with seamless mouse interactions! Implement click events for intuitive navigation, mouseOver effects for dynamic UI responses, and clickaway functionality to dismiss pop-ups or menus. Elevate engagement with hover effects, offering a visually appealing touch.


Ripple Effect Button

In this tutorial, we’ll create a reusable ripple effect component in React using SCSS. This effect is commonly used in CSS Animation to provide feedback when a user interacts with a button.


How to Build an Infinite Scroll List with React

Infinite scrolling is a web design technique used to load content continuously as the user scrolls down a page. Instead of requiring the user to click a "Next" button or pagination link to load more content, new content automatically loads when the user reaches the bottom (or a certain threshold) of the current page.


Building a React Animation Showcase with Lottie and Ant Design

In this tutorial, we'll walk through building an interactive React component that allows users to play and control animations using the LottieFiles library, combined with UI components from Ant Design


Adobe Color Palette Viewer in React

Adobe Color Palette Viewer is a React-based application that dynamically showcases various Adobe color palettes. It renders color tones in a table format using reusable components, with each color tone styled using SCSS. The project makes it easy to view and customize color palettes for use in design or development projects.


Audio Recorder in React

This project provides an audio recording functionality using the `MediaRecorder` API. It allows users to record audio from their microphone, play it back, and download the recorded file.


AI Assistant Animation Sample

This React project demonstrates an interactive assistant animation system. It allows users to toggle between animations, control talking states, and view an animated assistant built with **Lottie Player** and styled with **Ant Design** and **Emotion**.


How to use AWS Icons in React Project

This project demonstrates how to use AWS service icons in a React application. It includes various components for rendering individual icons, grouped icons, and categorized icons in an accordion layout. The sample also supports customizing icon sizes.


React Drag-and-Drop Sorting

This is a simple React example demonstrating how to implement drag-and-drop sorting using `react-dnd`. It allows users to reorder a list of items by dragging and dropping.


Draggable Sidebar with React

This project demonstrates a draggable sidebar component built with React, Ant Design, and `react-draggable`. The sidebar allows users to adjust its width by dragging the sidebar handle.


How to Develop Ellipses Text With Tooltip

The `TypographyEllipsesAndTooltipSample` component demonstrates how to handle text overflow in React using ellipses and tooltips. It provides interactive controls to customize its behavior and appearance.


How to Get Fav Icon From Domain Name

The `FavIconSample` component dynamically fetches and displays the favicon of a specified domain using Google's favicon service. It includes an input field for users to enter a domain name and instantly updates the displayed favicon.


How to Build Multi Language Support with React

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to creating a React application with multi-language support using the powerful `react-i18next` library. Internationalization (i18n) enables your app to reach a broader audience by offering content in multiple languages, improving accessibility and user experience.


Custom Color Palette Example

This project demonstrates a reusable color palette system implemented in React. The `CustomColorPalette` provides customizable color sets and a utility function for applying opacity to colors. The `CustomColorPaletteSample` component showcases how to use this palette in a UI.


Icon With Badge Component

A simple and reusable component for displaying an icon with a badge using Styled Components in React. The badge is ideal for showing counts, notifications, or other small bits of information.


Custom Typography & Layout

This project provides a set of reusable styled components for typography and layout, built using Emotion for styling and React.


RadixUI Color Palette Component

This project provides a React component to visualize a color palette using the Radix UI Colors library. It renders a table displaying various colors and their corresponding tones, offering a clean and organized way to explore the color scales.


Typography and Markdown Balancer Components

This repository contains two main React components designed to handle typography and Markdown-based text rendering with flexibility and responsiveness


AI Chat Sample

This project demonstrates an AI-powered chat system built using the OpenAI SDK. The ChatEngine module handles interactions with the OpenAI API, including message generation and context management


KanbanBoard React Example

This project implements a Kanban Board system with core features such as drag-and-drop functionality, task editing, and customizable columns.


Address Options Mocking With MSW

This project implements Address Options Mocking using MSW (Mock Service Worker) to simulate API responses for address selection. It enables seamless testing and development by providing mocked address suggestions, handling user inputs, and simulating dynamic API behavior.


Query with Fetch API, Axios and GraphQL

This project demonstrates querying data using Fetch API, Axios, and GraphQL, leveraging MSW (Mock Service Worker) to fetch data in different ways. It showcases how MSW can simulate API responses for testing and development, enabling seamless integration and comparison of these methods.


CRUD Mocking With MSW

This project showcases CRUD operations mocking using MSW (Mock Service Worker) to simulate API responses. It facilitates seamless testing and development by providing mocked data interactions, handling user inputs, and simulating dynamic API behavior for a comprehensive testing environment.


React Query And Networking

This project demonstrates effective data fetching, caching, and synchronization using React Query. It highlights best practices for managing server state, optimizing network requests, and building responsive, data-driven React applications. The implementation showcases streamlined API integration and efficient handling of loading and error states.


How to Build a Task Management App Step by Step

This step-by-step guide will walk you through building a feature-rich Task Management App to enhance productivity and organization. The app includes essential functionalities for creating, updating, and managing tasks efficiently.


How To Build User Management App (Master/Detail Editing)

Learn how to build a User Management App with a Master/Detail interface in this step-by-step guide. This app allows you to manage users efficiently, featuring functionalities to view a user list (master), inspect detailed user information (detail), and perform actions like adding, editing, or deleting users


User Management Form Validation

Learn how to implement effective form validation for a User Management system with fields like username, age, and birthdate. This guide explains how to validate input formats, enforce rules (e.g., age limits, valid usernames), and handle errors gracefully to ensure accurate and user-friendly data collection


User Management Related Data

In this example, we'll go over more information about the users stored in the UserManagement database, such as how to retrieve Role information from the server and add it to the table row. An key element in this area will be how we establish this connection with the Mock Service Worker in the server part.


Role Based Access Control (Permission)

This example explores how to implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in a React application using CASL. Through a ToDo app example, it demonstrates defining roles, resources, and actions, creating permission structures, and using CASL's Ability to enforce rules.


Dynamic Policy-Based Access Control in React

Learn how to implement Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) in React applications using dynamic server-side permissions. This example explores fetching user roles and permissions after login, dynamically updating the client-side authorization state using CASL, and managing component-level access with reusable utilities and context.


WebSocket Chat App Example with MSW

A demonstration app showcasing how to implement real-time WebSocket communication with Mock Service Worker (MSW). This example is ideal for learning how to mock WebSocket interactions and build dynamic chat functionality in a controlled development environment.


Zustand ReRender Cases

In these examples, I test whether the re-rendering is working correct. I prepared 4 samples Every sample will upgrade and make complex store and its usage. At first we only on counter and hold one state, after we increase 2 values in store and 3 components, at last we tested arrays , objects and complex structures


How to Migrate My React Project From CRA to Vite.JS

React Team deprecated CRA(Create React App) and published a blog post about it. I will explain how I migrated my React Project (https://onurdayibasi.dev/) that I created with CRA to ViteJS


Motion Basics

A demonstration app showcasing various animation capabilities using Framer Motion in React. This example demonstrates different animation techniques including rotation, scaling, drag interactions, and keyframe animations.environment.