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RadixUI Color Palette Component

RadixUI Color Palette Component

This project provides a React component to visualize a color palette using the Radix UI Colors library. It renders a table displaying various colors and their corresponding tones, offering a clean and organized way to explore the color scales.



  • Dynamic Color Tone Generation:
    Automatically generates 12 tones for each Radix UI color scale.

  • Interactive Color Table:
    Displays a scrollable table with rows representing color scales and columns for tones (1–12).

  • Easy Integration:
    Uses SCSS for styling and Radix UI's CSS variables for consistent theming.

  • Customizable and Modular:
    Reusable component suitable for projects requiring color palette visualization.

Add the required Radix UI color CSS files to your project:

npm install @radix-ui/colors


  1. Import the Component and SCSS in Your App:
import RadixUIColorPalette from './RadixUIColorPalette';
import './RadixUIColorPalette.scss';
  1. Include the Component in Your JSX:
const App = () => (
    <RadixUIColorPalette />

export default App;

SCSS Configuration

The SCSS file (RadixUIColorPalette.scss) imports Radix UI's color scales and applies the corresponding CSS variables to each color tone.

// Import the required Radix UI color scales
@import '@radix-ui/colors/gray.css';
@import '@radix-ui/colors/mauve.css';
@import '@radix-ui/colors/slate.css';
// ... (other imports)

// Define styles for individual color palette items
.color-palette-item {
    display: block;
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
    background-color: transparent;

    &.gray1 {
        background-color: var(--gray1);
    &.gray2 {
        background-color: var(--gray2);
    // Add similar classes for other tones and colors