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Custom Typography & Layout

Custom Typography and Layout Components

This project provides a set of reusable styled components for typography and layout, built using Emotion for styling and React.



  • Typography Components: Predefined styles for headings, titles, and body text, including responsive options for font size, line height, and weight.
  • Layout Components: Flexible and customizable vertical and horizontal layouts.

Components Overview

Typography Components


  • Usage: For primary headings.
  • Props:
    • xlarge, large, medium, small - Adjusts size and spacing.
    • bold - Applies bold font weight.
    • color, opacity - Customizes text color and transparency.


  • Usage: For secondary headings.
  • Similar props as Headline.


  • Usage: For body text.
  • Includes additional semiBold and textDecoration props.


  • Usage: For annotations or small text highlights.

Layout Components


  • Usage: For vertical layouts with customizable gaps, alignment, and background styles.
  • Props:
    • align, justify - Align items and justify content.
    • gap, border, padding - Control spacing and styles.


  • Usage: Similar to Vertical but for horizontal layouts.


  • Usage: Centers content both horizontally and vertically.


  • Usage: A general-purpose container with flexible styles.

Usage Examples

Typography Components

import React from "react";
import * as T from "./CustomTypography.styles";

const TypographyExample = () => (
    <T.Headline xlarge bold>
      XLarge Bold Headline
    <T.Body large color="#555">
      Large Body Text

export default TypographyExample;

Layout Example

import React from "react";
import * as L from "./FlexLayout.styles";
import * as T from "./CustomTypography.styles";

const LayoutExample = () => (
  <L.Vertical gap="20px" bgColor="#f0f0f0" padding="20px">
    <T.Title large bold>
      Title in Vertical Layout
    <T.Body>Some descriptive body text.</T.Body>

export default LayoutExample;

Complete Example: Custom Typography Demo

import React from "react";
import CustomTypographySample from "./CustomTypographySample";

const App = () => <CustomTypographySample />;

export default App;